Websites to Inspire Animal Stewardship

The Familiar Spirit
Extensive archive of animal rescue organizations and animal groups of all kinds.
Priceless Quotes on Animals
Beautiful and thought provoking quotes from famous people
More Priceless Quotes on Animals
Beautiful and thought provoking quotes from famous people.
Working for a Peaceful World for Humans, Animals and the Environment
Sponsored by the, The Mary T. and Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation. 75,000 documents, including, education, organizations, photographs, videos, recipes, prayers, animal activism, campaigns, discussions.
Theologian Elizabeth J. Farians
A consummate writer, speaker, and professor, designed and taught theology courses on Christianity, Violence, and Animals, followed by, Theology and Animals.
Farm Sanctuary
Farm Sanctuary is the largest and most effective farm animal rescue and protection organization in the country. Thousands of animals have been rescued and cared for over the years at their sanctuaries They also educate millions of people about animal’s plight and the consequences of factory farming on human health and the environment, advocating for laws that will improve their lives.
In Defense of Animal
Founded by Elliot M. Katz, DVM to end the terrible animal exploitation, torture, maiming, and killing of defenseless animals in America and other countries. Working and advocating changing laws, seeking rights for the welfare of animals and their habitats, IDA has a unique and extensive history of dramatic animal rescues.
Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance
They actively collaborate with animal welfare and animal rights organizations in Norway and internationally. Their website explains laws, has articles and essays, including their specific goals, new legislation, future objectives and their mission.
NOAH – For The Rights of all Animals
A powerful and influential group against all exploitation of animals in Norway and internationally. Active all over Norway engaging communities, politicians, schools, the media, and people on the street, encouraging them to challenge all forms of animal cruelty through information, conferences, lectures, demonstrations, and changing laws. NOAH works closely with animal right’s groups internationally, supporting campaigns and sharing goals and objectives. Impressive, POSITIVE AND INSPIRING website.
Animal Law and Animal Rights in Sweden
The laws and policies in the court system in Sweden regarding animals.