Honored by Her loving family Peace to you.

Honored by Mommie and Daddy In loving memory of our precious Boltrina, babycakes, funny bunny, and princess. You are excruciatingly and tremendously missed. Mommie and Daddy love you so very much. Tha...

Honored by Loved, cherished, and missed by Sam and Daisy Sophia Jaws Reyna (2007-2020) is a 13 year old cat, now a guardian angel. Sophia came into my life when I was 10 years old and she was just a f...

Honored by Momma and Daddy It's too quiet here without you Spikey Spoo. But I know you’re still barking and playing, it’s just in a place that I can’t hear you. I know dad and I did what was bes...

Honored by her mama and papa Our beautiful, precious girl, we will forever love you ❤️

Honored by All that met her There will be no other to touch my heart as you

Honored by Marie Lecter My beloved Hannibal. Thank you for being there for me when I was at my lowest. I miss you sweet Boo Bee boy. You are My Life, My Love, My Heart.

Honored by Theresa Russel and Family Gidget was my best friend, faithful, sweet and fun. Her time was too short, but she filled my heart with joy and holds a special place in my heart. gidget

Honored by Linda Rogers You were the best friend I had I miss you so much. There is no one to welcome me home at the door anymore, sleep in my bed with me anymore. When it storms you were always so af...

Honored by Lynn Byrd and Jamie Cheshire A friend to all creatures great and small, especially children.

Honored by Candy, Frank, Dustin, Brandice, Victoria & Mariah Java, you were a wonderful kitty. We all loved you and will miss you so much! Vicky is very sad that you can no longer sleep in her bed...

Honored by His lucky and loving Family Oscar,You are a very special cat. You brought us so much happiness, love, and rabbits. . . or at least a lot of rabbit parts. 🙂 You will be missed, treasured, a...

Honored by Her mommy Katie and the rest of the family We love you so much Abigail and we miss you already. We know you are happy playing in Heaven.

I miss you, beautiful guinea girl. See you soon. Om mani padme hum.

Honored by Barbara and family Tabitha, you came late into my life, a last few weeks, and a bond was made that will last forever. I love you dear little sweet cat, wish we had more time together.

Honored by Greg, Barbara and family To my most beloved close friend, who we love dearly and miss so badly. we love you forever.

Honored by His loving family The best cat ever. Taken too soon from us. I miss getting to come home to you and spend all night with you. You would always greet us at the door and purr at us while you ...

Honored by Your Loving Family From the first time we saw You, You were Ours! Thanks for All the Love, Kisses, Compainionship and Slop! You are truly Missed!

Honored by His Loving Sissy Bubba was a 10 year old dachshaud who was smart,loving,silly,stong-willed,stubborn & loved very much. His gonna be missed very much & my days aren't going to be the...

Honored by Janessa You were my best friend. My dog soul mate. I miss you everyday. The depth of my sadness no one can comprehend. I love you my baby boy. Mama will see you someday again.

Honored by James Olson My dear friend and long time companion. I hope you will meet me at the Rainbow Bridge.

Honored by Sara, Martha and all those who loved and knew him We miss you so much Zoro, you were beloved to all who had the privilege to know you. You deserved a better and longer life here. We know yo...

Honored by Wendy Young and family I had my beloved horse April for 30 years. April was like my best friend. . She passed the day after xmas 2009. I still miss her so much. A good friend finished my sl...

Honored by Rhonda Lanier Milton was my soul mate, my baby, my companion. We were together for 15+ years. There was never a day he did not make me smile, make me laugh, make me just so grateful to be h...